Dear Partners,
Dad and I will be heading back home to Cape Town in a few hours.
The only word fitting to describe our heart state at this time would be – Thankful.
We are truly thankful for the time we have spent here in the US, both in Colorado and Florida. We are thankful for; every home we visited, every meal shared and every conversation had.
We celebrate the global spiritual family He has surrounded us with. As we journey together, navigating life’s challenges, we can only remain thankful for the relationships He has established and continues to support throughout the years. The relationships that stand the test of time and demonstrate a deep love and support for one another. It is through these God-ordained relationships that we all find the strength to continue the good fight of faith.
This past Sunday, Dad reminded us to demonstrate this agape-love, exhorting us to ‘Love One Another‘. Where we reflect and release love, the same love Christ has for us, His Church.
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Thank you, fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank you for your persistent prayers and words of encouragement. Thank you for your continued support of the ministry. We love you all and carry you in our hearts.
We wish you all a ‘Happy Thanksgiving’! Let every one of us give thanks to our heavenly Father for who He is and for the love he so tangibly demonstrates.
God Bless,
Stephen Kyriacou