I, Peter was blessed and privileged to be brought up in a God fearing family in Zimbabwe. God has always been part of my life and when I was thirteen I was baptized and later that year I was filled with the Spirit.
I met Pastor Andreas at Alpha & Omega Christian Fellowship in Cape Town where I went to study engineering at University of Cape Town. From the first Sunday I was hooked! Pastor preached straight down the line; it was fresh and relevant.
After joining, I was very pleased to hear that they ran an evening Bible School. I enrolled into Heritage of Faith Bible Institute and finished a four year course with the fourth year, being a School of Ministry, in 2011 together with my Masters in Mechanical Engineering. It was during this time that the Lord put a dream in my heart to start a Bible School in Zimbabwe.
In December 2013 I married Emma, who at the age of 15, officially gave her life to the Lord and was filled with Holy Spirit. It was her relationship with me that brought her to Cape Town, in February 2012, and to Alpha and Omega Christian Fellowship where she served in various church ministries while also attending HFBI Bible school and finished a three year course the third year being leadership academy.
In 2014 we ran an Alpha Course and we found it most rewarding. On 15 December 2015, we were blessed with our darling daughter, Grace. Our lives changed on the 28th Feb 2016, we were commissioned by Alpha & Omega to return to live in Zimbabwe.
We are now under the oversight of Alpha & Omega ministries international led by Ps. Andreas and we are excited and looking forward to this next season in our walk with the Lord. We know the Lord is faithful and we trust in Him completely that wherever He takes us and into whatever venture He will be with us to bless and prosper us for the purpose of extending the influence of His kingdom.