Dear Friends and Ministry Partners,
Christalla and I have returned home safely from our recent trip to Cyprus.
As per our recent feedback posts, the trip can only be described as fruitful and blessed. We believe the foundations are being set for a united church in Cyprus. Walls of separation are coming down, and an increasing number of leaders’ are catching the vision of a consolidated and prayerful church. We give God all the glory as churches across Cyprus, are coming together in spirit and in truth.
On two separate occasions, leaders from every province of the island gathered together to pray and wait on the Lord in one accord. One such occasion was the launch of the ‘Together for Cyprus’ initiative, where these spiritual leaders gathered together, setting aside their independent agenda’s and aligned with God’s holistic vision for the island, as one body of Christ.
We are so grateful to the Lord for the work that is clearly in operation across my homeland of Cyprus. I too would like to once again thank you all for your prayerful support and encouragement, as you co-labour with us for a united Church of Cyprus.
Andreas Kyriacou