Dear Partners,
Our time here in Florida has been one of relational ministry, spending meaningful time, both in group settings and one-on-one encounters, encouraging our brothers and sisters to push on in their pursuit of Christ and His will for them.
The men of the ‘Rise up men’ 2017 conference was one such group, where men from Pasco County, Florida came together in a time of fellowship and ministry. Dad spoke on ‘Understanding the Concept of Fathers and Sons’. Challenging all believers to find and serve in the spiritual families God has placed them in.
This was not the only speaking engagement as Dad ministered each Sunday, at House of Faith and New Horizons Worship Center respectively. Both messages powerful and challenging. These are currently available on our Podcast and SoundCloud services.
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As our time in Florida draws to a close, we encourage the greater Alpha and Omega Family to keep our Floridian members in your prayers. Pray that they may hear directly from the Lord and that they may receive His guidance through his Word for the season they find themselves in. Prayer is the greatest support you can provide.
We continue our US journey to Colorado, as we look forward to more time of fellowship and ministry with our Gypsum family.
Thank you, everyone, for your continued words of encouragement and prayers. They are truly felt and appreciated. We love you all!
God Bless,
Stephen Kyriacou