Steve and I always anticipate Pastor Andreas and Christalla’s visit with joy and great expectation. We welcome them with joy as we refresh our relationship in person, and we welcome them with expectation to see how the Lord will move among us through their ministry here in Florida. As for the past 19 years, each visit is a unique blessing in and of itself. This visit was no exception.
On Saturday, November 19th, Pastor Andreas conducted a one day seminar on “The Power and Effectiveness of Travailing Prayer” – a true rhema word of the Lord to the Body of Christ. It was well received by all who attended. One can just sense when the word is received by open hearts. Many were blessed and encouraged, even a pastor all the way from Kenya!
Our Sunday service, the 20th of November was at House of Faith with Apostles Jim and Pat Pickens. From my perspective, this was an anointed appointment and divine meeting. Just before teaching began on “The Key to Spiritual Maturity”, Apostle Jim began to deliver a prophetic word which, unknowingly to him, was a confirmation of what Pastor Andreas had already received from the Lord mere hours earlier. He then delivered his message with great liberty and freedom in the Spirit to teach on the key to spiritual authority. As I sit in the back alongside the Alpha & Omega Ministry table, I am always very aware of the people’s eagerness to hear Pastor Andreas and to listen to the word he delivers. It is something you can just sense in the Spirit. One man exclaimed to me; “I could listen to him all day!” They appreciate and recognize the anointed word being given.
We were blessed to be at Pastor Gabriel’s New Horizons Worship Center on Sunday the 27th of November. Pastor Andreas spoke once more on the key to spiritual maturity – yet the message, directed by Lord, was new and dynamic in its impact. Many were blessed, as I witnessed believers approaching the alter afterwards, some with teary eyes, moved by the word given.
I have always felt that after each visit of Pastor Andreas and Christalla, we are uniquely blessed and never quite the same. We are thankful they come and pour out their lives into ours.
Philippians 2:17, “Yes, and if I am being poured out as a drink offering on the sacrifice and service of your faith, I am glad and rejoice with you all.”
God bless you,
Niki Farkas.