On Thursday the 26th of January, I flew out to spend the weekend with Peter and Emma Henson in Harare, Zimbabwe. Peter and Emma were both members of our local church in Cape Town for many years. They both studied through the Heritage of Faith Bible Institute campus that we run, with Peter achieving his degree in ministry and Emma a third year diploma.
During the course of last year they relocated back to Harare, and we were always confident that the Lord had something very special in mind for them. For more about their story, you can CLICK HERE, but in the meantime I’d like to share with you what the Lord ministered to us during our time together.
While waiting on the Lord together in prayer with Peter and Emma, I had a strong impression from the Spirit that Peter and Emma’s fruitful ministry here in Harare was dependent on their prayers, both in quality and quantity. The Spirit emphasized to us the importance prayer plays in preparation for ministry. Successful and fruitful ministry is always dependent on much prayer. I encouraged them to streamline their focus, their study, and activity in prayer.
The more they pray the more alive they will become to God’s purposes and plans for their lives here in Harare. The Spirit highlighted Ephesians 2:10: “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”
These good works the word speaks about will be revealed to Peter and Emma in prayer and furthermore will be birthed in prayer.
It is the dawning of a new day in the Lord for Peter and Emma, filled with hope and great expectations. The Spirit spoke words of encouragement to them from the book of Joshua chapter 1, words of prophesy from Isaiah 58 as well as words of instruction from 1 Chronicles 28:9-10. As they pursue intimacy with the Lord and serve Him with a loyal heart and a willing mind the Lord will birth many wonderful works through their faith here in Zimbabwe.
They will soon be launching an Alpha Course in their home, and both new believers and unbelievers that they know have agreed to attend. Please keep Peter and Emma in your prayers, asking that the Lord will reveal His heart and plans for them and their ministry, and also for His blessing and anointing to rest upon them as they run the Alpha Course.