Sunday the 26th of February marked the launching of our ministry for this trip in the province of Paphos. There was a strong anointing as we ministered the word at “Petra Bible Fellowship” on the value and importance of prayer in the life of the believer, resulting in hearts and minds being touched and convicted by the Spirit as a result of prayerlessness and negligence in the area of prayer. When the altar call was given for a time of repentance, many came forward repenting before God and asking for grace to enable and empower them in their prayer lives.
Overall our ministry was well received and we believe we were able to minister to God’s people effectively. Ps Mike Nicolaou and his wife Olga asked us to come again, giving us an open invitation whenever we are in Cyprus.
On Friday the 3rd and 4th of March the facilitators of the praying Church are coming together from every province to celebrate our 10th year anniversary since the birth of the prayer and unity movement in Cyprus.
We are meeting at the hotel in my village where it all began 10 years ago. Please pray for an anointed time of fellowship, prayer and sharing of testimony.
We will also be putting the final touches to our scheduled conference which will take place on the 18th of March in the city of Limassol. The theme is “Together for Cyprus” and we are expecting leaders and pastors from every province to attend the conference as we share the vision with them. In addition, there will be time for sharing testimonies from the various pastors and facilitators of the prayer movement, relating how the Lord is moving in their city with regards to prayer.
We value and depend on your prayers.
Andreas and Christalla