Dear family in Christ,
Greetings from us here in Cyprus! By the time you receive this update we will end the fourth week here and God willing we will stay for another three weeks before we return home to our family in Cape Town.
Our ministry has been well received by all the Churches that invited us to speak. The message we brought to the Church was one of repentance and spiritual awakening. The Lord powerfully confirmed His word with an overwhelming response; leading people to repentance as they met Him with broken and contrite hearts.
On his last visit in October, Pastor Andreas, gave a wakeup call message to believers, the church, and to all generally. A call to walk in Holiness, in the Fear of the LORD and to take the things of GOD seriously and further to take action to put the right priorities in our lives.
Andreas’ has been coming to our church for over 20 years now, and he has shown personal interest and friendship toward us, flexibility to move according to the needs of the congregation and sensitivity and respect where are our church’s teachings and spiritual direction is concerned.
Pastor Sophocles Christodoulou
Apostolic Church Of Jesus Christ
As I waited on the Lord day after day, He continued to fill my heart with a sense of urgency in calling His people back to their first love. The word preached was delivered from my heart and a prophetic unction to the level I have only experienced a few times in my ministry.
We give God all the glory and the praise due to Him and to the Holy Spirit who without His leading and tangible presence none of this would have been possible.
Pastor Andreas preached on the condition of our hearts towards God. It was a heart-searching message and a challenge to examine our hearts and see if they have become hard towards the Lord and His Word. It was a challenge to see if we really obey God or not.
The Word touched the hearts of many in the congregation. Some people were crying, others kneeling and others repenting as the Holy Spirit was moving and convicting hearts. It was a time for a change of attitude towards God and a renewed commitment to Jesus Christ.
We give glory to God and thank Him for the ministry of Pastor Andreas and his wife.Pastor George Hadjiyiannis
Sri Lankan Christian Fellowship Cyprus
On the 27th of October, several pastors and prayer facilitators from various regions of Cyprus gathered for a time of fellowship, encouragement, prayer, and strategic planning for the months ahead. We sought the Spirit of the Lord as He gave us a vision for the future for this combined initiative we call “THE PRAYING CHURCH.”
Christalla and I plan, God willing, to return home on the 21 November, just in time for our year-end celebration of thanksgiving on Sunday the 2nd of December.
On that day we will celebrate with testimonies, worship, ministry of the Word and for lunch, we will have lamb on the spit.
We would like to extend an invitation to any of you who would like to join us for this celebration. Let’s narrow the physical distance between us, just like it is in the Spirit, we are a family!
I would also like to announce that on that day we would receive a special free-will thanksgiving offering as is our annual custom.
In closing, we would like to thank all of our prayer warriors who continue to pray for us as well as those who continue to support our outreaches financially.
God Bless,
Andreas and Christalla