Dear Friends and Family,
Christalla and I have just returned to our home in Cape Town. Please allow me to give you some feedback on our ministry to the Church in Cyprus while everything is still fresh in my mind.
The Holy Spirit laid only one message on my heart to proclaim in all the Churches that we were invited to minister. His instruction was to preach the same message relating to the state of the Church in Cyprus and the challenges she faces in the present day. I spoke about the challenges confronting both; the leadership and congregation. I also shared the peril and the dangers of spiritual immaturity and the terrible consequences if we refuse to mature both in character and in our individual calling and gifting.
This was a difficult message to preach. One that required great boldness in calling God’s people to repentance. Even though I felt uncomfortable at times in preaching this message, it was received well by the people. Confirming that this is what they needed to hear. I praise the Lord for the guidance of the Holy Spirit in helping me prepare my heart for this occasion, as well as in helping me to deliver such a message. What would we ever do without the precious Holy Spirit and His ministry?
The heart of my message was taken from the words of Jesus to the Church in Laodicea, who is content and comfortable in their spiritual state, one of lukewarm-ness and spiritual-poverty. They thought themselves to be wealthy and rich and need of nothing.
As we look at the state of the Church today with all the means at our disposal and the comforts we experience, one cannot but feel that we are not any better than the Laodiceans who were deeply deceived. Jesus’ rebuke to the Laodiceans applies to us today and the command to be zealous and repent is the now-word to the modern Church.

May the Lord grant us true repentance accompanied with fruits that are worthy of repentance. Our commitment to the Lordship of Jesus must take priority over all our endeavours as the day of His return is upon us. Many responded to the call of repentance, some in tears, and came to the altar to repent and recommit themselves to the Lordship of Jesus. Only the Lord knows what kind of effect it had on those who received the message.
We also had an opportunity to fellowship and reconnect with the Pastors with whom we have a connection and a long-standing friendship. Apart from the weather which has been unstable and very unusual for May all else went well. I also missed out on my early morning walks due to the cold weather, something I always enjoy when we come to Cyprus. We thank the Lord for a fruitful ministry. For divine protection on the road as we travelled to the various provinces, and for your faithful prayers that accompanied us throughout our stay here.
I am still enjoying good health and thank the Lord every day for the miraculous healing I have experienced recently and I am truly grateful to be off the medication which was accompanied by severe side effects. Truly the Lord is our healer and the one who can restore every member of our body from the terrible effects of sickness and disease.
We love and appreciate every one of you and the eternal investment you make in us and in this ministry, as we reach out to those whom God assigned us to reach with the gospel of Christ.
Blessings to you and your family from Christalla and Andreas.
Before I close the newsletter however (which is more like a sermon), I wanted you to hear from the pastors themselves and what they received from our ministry to them and their congregations. Below some of their thoughts concerning this:
Our friendship with Pastor Andreas and sister Christalla goes years back. Over the years, the ministry of Pastor Andreas in the life of my wife Isabel and myself has been a blessing and a great encouragement.
It was nice to meet with them again in May 2023. We had a good fellowship together and we received input from God’s wisdom that is given to Pastor Andreas. The time we spent together was a time of encouragement and a new look to the future for God’s work.
Pastor Andreas preached at the Church too. Always his teachings are deep and minister to the people in the congregation. They love and respect him very much.
As always, their visit was a blessing.
It is with great delight that we were able to have Pastor Andreas and his wife come to the Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ once again to minister.
They have been part of our personal Christian circle and spiritual family for many years. We have seen them keep strong in the faith through the decades, enduring hardship, overcoming by faith, and lifting up others.
Pastor Andreas is a man of faith, vision, discipline, love, godly wisdom, and deep maturity in Christ.
He has time and time again come to our Church with readiness, preparation, and openness to the Holy Spirit’s leading in how to encourage and edify the Church.
On his recent ministry visit in May 2023, Pastor gave a strong message to the believers entitled, “The Challenge Confronting the Present Day Church”.
This was a fresh and timely GOD-given bold message to challenge not only our local Church but also the Body of CHRIST worldwide, which was aired Live via online streaming.
As always, Pastor’s delivery of the message was with great patience, respect, and care to the Word of GOD, to the local Pastor, and the congregation as a whole.
The sermon was met with the Presence of the LORD throughout and especially towards the end at the time of the altar call and prayer. The congregations impact and response was overwhelming.
Two Sundays ago we were so blessed to hear a message preached in our church by pastor Andreas Kyriakou from Alpha and Omega ministries,S A.
His message was powerful, anointed and right on target concerning the spiritual needs of our church. Dear brother, we thank you for being sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit and the boldness to share it with our church. God bless you.
We would like to thank our brother and Pastor Andreas Kyriakou who brings the message to Jesus House when he comes to Cyprus.
They are timely messages for the Body of Christ.
This year the message to the churches in Cyprus was a clear warning to Believers.
“The challenge confronting the present day Church”.
– 3 main reasons why Believers are not maturing in the Lord:
A. Complacency
B. Lack of 5-fold teaching.
C. Cost of being a disciple too high.
A stern warning to Believers to “grow up” and become “doers of the
Word, not merely listeners “.
We have benefited from his messages.
He is a man of integrity that walks in the authority of God.
Thank you Pastor and sister Christalla .
Please continue to bless Jesus House.